
福井県立大学海洋生物資源学部 海洋環境工学研究室 兼田研究グループ 

International Workshop, Savannah, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography/University of Georgia, USA


学会メーリングリストでは紹介していますが、ここでの紹介は遅れました。アメリカでは、その歴史を感じられる街として人気のあるSavannahで、Skidaway Institute of Oceanographyが開催します。


10年ぐらい前に、私はSkidaway Institute of Oceanographyに訪問研究者として滞在し、海洋モニタリングや陸棚-沿岸の流れについて学んできました。とてもよい思い出でがあり、いまでもお付き合いが続いていることからアナウンス役のお話を頂き、お引き受けさせて頂いています。






International Workshop on Western Boundary Current-Subtropical Continental Shelf Interactions

May 18-20,2020, Savanah, GA, USA

Rationale: In the major ocean basins, energetic western boundary currents (WBC) adjacent to subtropical continental shelves (STCS) interact strongly with bathymetry, resulting in first order consequences to shelf biochemistry and ecosystem response. Comparative analysis of the physical forcing and biochemical/ecological ramifications between the different ocean/shelf settings has the potential to reveal common and contrasting underlying properties and their sensitivity to climatic perturbations in ways that fragmented attention to individual system idiosyncrasies cannot. We believe the time is right to consider these systems as parallel global marine ecosystems and to develop a coherent international strategy to assess their function and contributions to global carbon cycles.
Scope and goals: The overall goal of this workshop is to convene a globally diverse group of researchers to discuss the state of knowledge of WBC-STCS ecosystems and to identify strategies for coordinating observational and research objectives to advance understanding of these dynamic regions.
In order to maximize the Workshop’s outreach to a global research community, interested participants will have the option of attending the meeting in person, or virtually via a live interactive web broadcast of the meeting’s proceedings. In-person participation is limited to <100.


Objectives: The precise themes to be explored within the workshop will depend upon the final mix of participants, but there are numerous overarching research themes that connect the various regions.
•Identifying common STCS ecosystem characteristics, drivers and responses,
•Developing research approaches that can be applied successfully across systems,
•Quantifying production, cross-shelf transport, and export in STCS ecosystems,
•Responding to observational and modeling challenges posed by WBCs,
•Predicting ecosystem responses to changes in climate and boundary current transport.


Skidaway Institute of Oceanography/University of Georgia, USA